The Discovery Channel’s reality show, Gold Rush, is growing big with new members every season. The reality show’s season 9 premiered on October 12, 2018, which featured Bree Harrison as one of the new members this season. Read on to know more about Bree, the new lady digger in the team Parker.
Bree Harrison Personal Life Bio
Bree is from Canada and was born in Waterloo, Ontario. She currently lives in Quesnel, British Columbia. She has not revealed her age but according to her Facebook profile, she celebrates her birthday on January 1.
Bree has an active life on Facebook as well as Instagram. Both of her social media accounts are filled with pictures of her and her furry friend, Kaya, a coyote she adopted in February 2014.
Bree has a younger brother named Mack Harrison. He is a student at the University of Guelph. She has not shared more details of her family but back in May 2018, she shared an emotional post on Instagram talking about her family, relationships, and personal achievements.
She wrote, “Six years ago I made the best and worst decisions of my life in a six month span. I got out of hell, I hurt the best human I've ever met, sold my heart horse, broke my own heart, moved to the mountains I've wanted forever then lost most of my friends to distance.Since moving to BC, I worked two dream jobs then found a career path I love that I don't think I would have discovered otherwise. I incurred almost 20k in debt when I fractured my spine and wasn't covered by benefits. I developed a good relationship with my family that was never there before. I pushed friends away when I was in a bad place and punished myself by staying in abusive/toxic relationships because I was hurting.”
She continued to write, “It’s been an amazing and painful few years and a lot of messed up things have happened, but I've worked my a**off and learned to stand up for myself. As of today, I'm officially out of debt! Thank you to the friends who have stuck through absolutely everything, especially from Ontario and those who helped when I had nothing. I'm not okay just yet but it finally feels like I will be.”
What does Bree Harrison say about working on Gold Rush?
Bree was introduced as a part of Team Parker, which was short-staffed this season. Her presence has helped the crew a lot and she has already become good friends with the crew members.
Bree is the only crew member who joins Brennan Ruautt when it comes to operating Big Red. This has built a good relationship between the two. Bree once said on the show that she really enjoys working with Brennan. “We play jokes on each other, give each other s**t, but we're friends and we get along," Bree added.
Speaking about the show as a whole, Bree stated, “It's hard to eat, live, and work with the same people every day but these guys make it fun when you need a laugh and come together when s**t goes down. It’s been a long season but I'm so glad I was a part of it."
With the beginning of Season 9, Team Parker marched on the mission to grab every ounce of gold from his land, leaving behind none for Tony Beets. This has somehow made Bree feel pressured.
“I'm barely keeping up as it is. It's getting really hard to keep up at this pace. I've been doing it for days now. I'm going around at machine 20 trying to keep dirt on the belt, and it's just about impossible," she told Parker during one of the episodes.
Bree worked as a heavy equipment operator at Little Flake Mine before joining Gold Rush.
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