The Flavor of Love star Saaphyri Windsor had been declared dead after her official Instagram announced her demise. Many are devastated by her death news, whereas some think it’s just another celebrity death hoax. Did the reality star fake her own death news? Is Saaphyri alive? Let’s find out the truth.
Is Saaphyri Windsor dead in 2021? Her death updates
On Thursday, July 1’s night, Saaphyri Windor’s Instagram passed on a shocking, unbelievable message. Her account said, “It is with a heavy heart that we say that Saaphyri has passed away. She was found today in her home responsive. Please send your prayers.”
Because people could see this statement on her official profile, it made everybody think that she was not alive anymore. But was she really dead?
After the news spread everywhere, Saaphyri came to her social media to let everybody know that she was alive. Yes, all of her death news was fake. Here’s a video of Saaphyri clarifying her death rumors on her Instagram and showing proof that she was alive. Later her friends also joined her in a video to confirm that she wasn’t dead after all.
Saaphyri Windsor’s false death rumors; Who did it?
Some of Saaphyri’s fans have been accusing her of faking death to gain attention. They are pointing to the whole situation being a stunt to boost her business. She recently launched Saaphyris Lip Chap. So some people claimed it was a stunt to boost the sales of her signature Lip Chaps.
However, Saaphyri has slammed all of those allegations. She stated that her false death rumors have nothing to do with her and her work. She also claimed it was some hackers who hacked her phone and created the death hoax about her.
She is still very furious and pissed off at this prank. Although she does not exactly know the person who did it, she is a bit suspicious. That is because the hacker only changed her password but not the id, which made her think it could be someone who already had access to her password.
Anybody who knows her would know that she would never do something like this. She doesn’t know why the hackers wanted to put the death news out there. She also understood that this is not something new that has happened to celebrities.
Saaphyri was extremely overwhelmed with love and support
Saaphyri could not believe how much her fans and followers actually cared for her. She was heartily touched by the love and support she received from her loved ones. She expressed her gratitude to everyone who got hurt by the news and was concerned about her. Everyone who was unnecessarily worried is now joyed as the news is nothing but all a hoax.
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