Bear Brown is an outdoorsman, who gained his share of fame after appearing on Discovery Channel's reality show, Alaskan Bush People. The show has been following the Brown family as they make their ends meet off the grid in Hoonah, Alaska, and recently in Washington state.
Bear Brown Bio: Age, Siblings, Family, and Wife
Bear is one of seven children of Billy Bryan Brown and Amora Larene Branson Brown, aka, Ami Brown. He was born on June 10, 1987, as the couple's third child. His original name is Solomon Isaiah Freedom Brown.
He has two elder brothers named Matthew Jeremiah Brown (Matt) and Joshua Bam Bam Brown (Bam Bam). His younger siblings include brothers Gabriel Starbuck Brown (Gabe) and Noah Darkcloud Brown (Noah) and sisters Amora Jean Snowbird Brown (Birdy) and Merry Christmas Kathryn Raindrop Brown (Rainy).
A few months ago, in September 2018, Bear posted pictures of a few women on Instagram which instantly led his fans wondering about his relationship status. Bear introduced a few of them, showering with compliments on the caption but there's one photo he has opted not to caption. This prompted fans to speculate if the woman is his girlfriend. Bear has not shared any words and seemingly, he is still single.
The Brown family, however, has a new family member. Noah, the youngest Brown brother, recently got married to his girlfriend of two years, Rahin Alisha, on August 15, 2018. Noah is head over heels in love with his beau and could not stop gushing about his newlywed wife on the season finale.
The family matriarch, Ami, was also present at Noah's wedding. Ami was in LA to receive treatment for her advanced lung cancer. Her recent prognosis is wonderful as she has successfully battled cancer.
Bear Brown is set to star in a horror movie
After appearing on a Discovery Channel show for more than 4 years, Bear is ready to make his big screen debut. He has confirmed that he has landed a starring role in a horror movie. He has not disclosed the name of the movie yet but has told that all his siblings have cameo roles in it. He is also producing the film.
Before breaking the news of his upcoming movie, Bear made a shocking post of his own death announcement in July 2018 which sent his fans into a frenzy. He later revealed that the morbid post was a part of a project he was keeping secret. He stated that the project is the same horror movie he is making and said that his fake death announcement was a teaser of that movie.
Talking to RadarOnline, the 31-year-old told, "I am making a movie and I am super excited about it. It is a homemade movie that I have been working on since we lived in LA." Bear told the reporter that the film is his own brainchild.
While Bear's death is only a hoax, it is true that he had a gory accident a few months ago. He had an accident with a tree branch, which almost damaged one of his eyes. He is doing good at present.
4 Replies on What happened to Bear Brown from Alaskan Bush People? Where is he now in 2019?
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